Sunday Business Debtors Anonymous Online Group
Registered DA / BDA Group #968

DA's World Service Conference
The World Service Conference (WSC) of Debtors Anonymous is the annual meeting of all worldwide General Service Representatives (GSR’s), Intergroup Service Representatives (ISR’s), and General Service Board (GSB) Trustees committed to providing service to Debtors Anonymous at the World Service Conference committee level in order to best advance the good of the Fellowship of Debtors Anonymous.
The WSC is is where GSRs, ISRs, and GSB Trustees gather to review the state of the DA Fellowship, work on topics like new DA literature concepts and new outreach methods, and vote on important issues affecting DA as a whole. Every registered DA group, including
Intergroups, may send one representative to the WSC.
The WSC is where matters affecting the fellowship as a whole are addressed. The WSC is the guardian of DA world services and the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Debtors Anonymous.
Sunday BDA General Service Rep (GSR) Sharings
Please find our GSR's follow-up report for the 2020 and 2021 World Service Conferences below. Click on the three images below to open our GSR's reports — 4-page GSR sharing and 4-page motions and recommendations for 2021; 3-page GSR sharing for 2020. The formal conference report for 2021 is pending completion by the GSB.
Our GSR gave her 2019 World Service Conference report on November 3, 2019. The report and follow-up questions were recorded and can be heard here.
On March 29, 2020, we held a 90-minute meeting with our GSR to support her in preparing for her attendance at the 2020 World Service Conference. Specifically, we approved our GSR's spending plan and worked together to develop our group issues and concerns for submission to the GSB. This 90-minute meeting was recorded.